This site and blog are the first outward signs of progress, but rest assured there’s plenty going on behind the scenes. We’re going through all of the legal business of getting incorporated and setting up partnership agreements. We’re building this site, designing an identity for the new company and the issue tracker, and getting infrastructure setup as well.
The Issue Tracker
From here on out, we’ll be sharing all of the insights about the issue tracker here. We’ll continue to have in depth posts about the underlying ideas and design, but we’ll also have some more frequent quick posts sharing our progress in general.
Also, if you’re only interested in hearing when it launches, we’ve got an email newsletter just for you. Think of the blog as place to get all of the juicy details, and the newsletter is your source for just the really big stories.
Going Forward
So, hang in there, and we promise we’ll be moving as fast possible to get the application out the door. In the meantime, we’ll be sharing all of the latest information and updates here on the blog. So make sure to grab the feed or subscribe to the newsletter and we’ll make sure to dish the dirt.