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Sifter is simple, but it still covers all of the key features…

Sifter integrates with your go-to tools

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Project Dashboard

Quickly get an overview of all projects and dive in for a deeper look. Designed so that you can easily identify the projects that need your attention.


Milestone Dashboard

Milestones are a big part of Sifter. Break projects down into due dates and keep track of the overall progress towards each milestone.


Issue Listing

Filter, sort, and group your issues so you only have to see the work you need to do right now.


Board View

View issues as cards in the Board View for a Kanban workflow.

¹Limiting work in progress helps teams maintain optimal work pace, reveal blockers, prevent multitasking, and deliver value faster.

Board view

Issue Details

The issue detail gives you all of the data about an issue in an easily digestible format, and as the page grows longer with comments, the issue’s current attribute details scroll with you.


New Issue Form

Create issues quickly and easily without superfluous fields or data.


Custom Statuses

Customize your statuses to create your team’s ideal workflow.


Need to find an issue? Sifter has full-text search and will look at the subject, description, and even the comments when you need to find an issue.


Daily Summary Emails

Automatically receive a daily summary of the previous day’s activity every morning.

Daily Summary

Create & Update Issues via Email

Sifter loves email. You can send plain text or add attachments. And Sifter’s smart about recognizing signature files so your issues won’t be flooded with corporate logos and other signature cruft.


And since Sifter is hosted by us, you save time and money by not having to deal with or worry about infrastructure. Backups. Updates. Security. Performance. Uptime. Email deliverability. It can be a part-time job all by itself, but we’ve got you covered.

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I love software that I don’t have to spend hours tutoring people how to use. Which is why I love @sifterapp—my non-techies just “get it.” Martha Rotter

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