
  • Previewing - Sifter can generate and display a preview of your issue description or comment body before you submit it.
  • Markdown - Sifter will support a basic subset of markdown. Bold, italics, lists, fenced (not indented) code blocks, inline code snippets, links, and blockquotes.


  • “Unplanned” makes a glorious return to the primary milestones page to more easily stay on to of your backlog. (Thanks, Alex M.)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a security issue where administrators could edit the markup to change the email address of the account holder
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with the padding of the error messages on the edit issue subject page
  • Improved messaging around handling exports and attachments
  • Fixed a bug where reopening a closed issue from an inactive milestone would remove the milestone from the issue. (Thanks, Gabe D.)
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