People & Companies Management

  • Improved organization of user listing page to make it more intuitive
  • Improved organization listing page in parallel with the user listing page
  • Updated project permissions page and added convenience links to each company’s projects
  • Updated the “Project Access” page for the primary company to include team members and quick links to each team members project access

Milestone Management

  • Added convenience links for admins at the bottom of the milestone listing pages
  • Improved milestone date picker to show two months at a time
  • Projects now hide the milestone tab after a project’s first 24 hours if no milestones are created. Milestones can still be added via the project settings, and once there are active milestones, the tab will show up.

Bug Fixes

  • Sifter does a better job of handling spam to inbound email addresses and silently ignores it instead of sending an error message
  • Fixed a bug where adding an organization to a product without selecting an organization would cause an error
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