Project teams may consider Sifter a tool to help organize and track problems within their company. While that’s absolutely true, don’t overlook those who receive some of the greatest benefits from Sifter – your customers.

Everything in Its Right Place

Let’s say a customer contacts your business with a problem, either by phone or email. Say that somehow their issue fell through the cracks and was never resolved.

What now?

Your first job is to be professional and organize customer concerns in an efficient manner.

When you have an organized hub of all reported issues at your disposal, finding this customer’s problem – and the status of its resolution – should be as easy as a simple search. Sending your customer a quick response, containing the exact steps being taken to solve their problem, will help them feel reassured that you are on top of their issue.


Maybe the employee who took the complaint doesn’t have the faintest idea how to solve that customer’s problem, or even who to assign it to. A dedicated ticketing hub makes it fast to alert all of the right people to an outstanding issue.

Use Sifter to track an issue’s progression through the troubleshooting process by checking the status tag. If there’s any doubt about who the issue should go to, it’s easy to assign a group of people to come up with the solution.

Sifter streamlines collaboration among team your members with the ability to add and drop assignees at will, also giving your team a complete record of accountability. Our new internal comment feature helps improve team communication even further.


We’ve talked about urgency before, and when it comes to customer issues, your job is to make a client feel heard, even though their bug may not be urgent enough to jump to the front of the pack.

Use Sifter to assign a specific priority level to every issue. This will help your team sort the wheat from the chaff, and you’ll spend your time solving crucial problems ahead of minor ones.

Knowledge Is Power

As you begin collecting a wealth of problems and their solutions, you’ll create the foundation for a knowledge base. An knowledge base established from resolved issues is an invaluable resource tool for you and your customers.

Let’s take our example of the worst case scenario earlier and say that there is NO record of that customer’s issue. By searching your database of issues reported by this customer in the past, (and perhaps similar issues from other customers) you’ll find a solution immediately.

Customer satisfaction will grow as customers see their needs are valued. If a client calls to check on the status of a problem, you should be able to share that status immediately. Prompt and accurate answers to their questions will let your clients know you care about their issues and aren’t just twiddling your thumbs.

Without clients and end-users, you don’t have a business. Using your workflow with customers in mind is treating yourself right.

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